Journalists indicate they receive many irrelevant press releases. We want to tackle this problem.


We ensure that organizations send their press releases to the right people while complying with privacy legislation (GDPR). That way, journalists receive fewer yet more relevant press releases.



We ensure that organizations consider whom they reach out to more carefully.

We help 450+ organizations affiliated with us to send out their press releases more purposeful.



We check on a regular basis whether the journalist is still working in the same place and writing about the same topics. The journalist does not have to do anything.



We ensure that the sender fully complies with the European Privacy Act of 2018 (the so-called GDPR) when sending press releases

The storage of personal data is monitored much more strictly under the new GDPR law. Organizations that send a lot of press releases need to take this into account.



Communication between PR-professionals and journalists can be done much better

Organizations want to share their news. At the same time, they often do not have the time or resources to investigate which journalists might really be interested in this news. Unfortunately this often results in press releases not being sent purposefully enough. It should be possible to do better, right?

Journalists have a need for reporting, as long as it is targeted and relevant. This helps them to bring news in their professional niche. Unfortunately, the influx of messages is often overwhelming and too general, so many journalists end up with an unnecessarily full inbox. We founded to solve these problems.

For all journalists we map the news they would like to receive - and which they don’t. As a journalist, you can even decide this for yourself. This way, the current lack of clarity about who to send press releases disappears. Press lists become specific and valuable again - and the journalist’s inbox is filled the right way: with relevant messages!

When you, as a journalist, have informed about what you do and do not want to receive news about, you can also report unwanted press releases. We then investigate how we can ensure that you are no longer bothered by these messages.